
Customer Service Associate

За месяц


Дата рождения: 16.09.1991

Ainur Mireyeva

Address: 10 Summer Street, Apt 1102, Malden, MA, 02148

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ainurmireyeva


Dynamic and results-driven professional with a proven track record in operations coordination, administrative support, and customer success. Seeking to leverage expertise in optimizing processes and fostering client relationships in a challenging operational environment.

Work Experience:

Customer Service Associate

LLP First Center for Visa Support (Visas.kz)

December 2017 - February 2024

• Engaged in client-facing interactions, addressing inquiries, advising applicants, and managing disputes.

• Provided customer service by attending to phone calls and emails promptly.

• Handled collection of visa applications, scrutinized documents for visa processing, and managed attestation and legalization services.

• Managed cash collection, POS entry, and ensured data entry with 100% accuracy.

• Informed applicants about all value-added services.

• Performed administrative duties such as photocopying, scanning, filing, and inventory management.

• Ensured delivery of passports to applicants via courier or pick-up.

Administrative Assistant

Bookmaker's Office Almaty Freegame LLP

June 2017 - February 2018

• Enhanced administrative efficiency by 10% through precise transaction execution.

• Managed inquiries and maintained meticulous records.

Database Administrator

Germes Trejd LLP

September 2016 - January 2017

• Designed and managed a comprehensive database of 10,000 records, improving data accuracy and processing efficiency.

Customer Success Representative

Limited Liability Partnership Bk Zenit Kz

June 2011 - June 2016

• Drove a 15% increase in sales through innovative relationship-building strategies.

• Cultivated enduring client partnerships, resulting in repeat business and referrals.


Bachelor's Degree in International Relations

Ablai Khan University

September 2009 - May 2013

Relevant Coursework and Projects:

• Research project on the impact of globalization on cross-border transactions.

• Analytical study of international cooperation policies in combating terrorism in Central Asia.


• Operations Coordination

• Administrative Support

• Customer Relationship Management

• Process Optimization

• Project Management

• Microsoft Office Suite

• CRM Platforms

• Language: Russian, English, Kazakh, Turkish

Офисная работа
Boston, MA


United States
Желаемая локация места работы:
Boston, MA


Green card
Водительские права:


Bachelor's Degree in International Relations

Ablai Khan University - Kazakhstan

2009-09-01 - 2013-05-25


Customer Service Associate

2017-12-01 - 2024-02-01

LLP First Center for Visa Support (Visas.kz) - Kazakhstan

Administrative Assistant

2017-06-01 - 2018-02-01

Bookmaker's Office Almaty Freegame LLP - Kazakhstan

Database Administrator

2016-09-01 - 2017-09-01

Germes Trejd LLP - Kazakhstan

Customer Service Representative

2011-06-01 - 2016-06-01

Limited Liability Partnership Bk Zenit Kz - Kazakhstan

Знание языков


Полный профессиональный уровень владения


Родной язык или владение двумя языками


Родной язык или владение двумя языками


Ограниченный уровень владения, достаточный для работы
Комментарии (0)
Офисная работа

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