Пластические хирурги в Queens, NY
Упс. К сожалению, это все предложения в локации Queens, NY. Не расстраивайтесь! Вы всегда можете посмотреть объявления в локацииNew York

Мене звати Вікторія, я професійний косметолог та пластичний хірург, більше 5 років досвіду та 130+ сертифікатів.Регулярно перебуваю на практиці закордоном.З 17 по 30 грудня в Нью-Йорку.З 31 грудня в Маямі.Підтяжка обличчя нитками – це інноваційна технологія безопераційної підтяжки та омолодження обличчя, миттєвої дії з пролонгованим, накопичувальним ефектом, порівняний з пластичною операцією Фейсліфтинг. Результат підтяжки триває від 1,5 до 2 років. Ліфтинг обличчя - Full face therapy (treatment: filler, Botox, PLA). Наповнювач для губ - filter lips; Омолодження шкіри та всього тіла (rejuvenating the skin and all body); Ботокс (Botox) (всі частини тіла та обличчя); PRP + пілінг шкіри з подальшим втиранням на поверхню; Всі філлерні методики; Ботулінотерапія (мігрені, зморшки, тіло і обличчя); Лікування пігментації. Буду рада вам допомогти, телефонуйте!

Millennial Plastic Surgery is the premier plastic surgery clinic in New York City, with convenient locations in Midtown Manhattan and the Bronx. The clinic is led by an accomplished plastic surgeon Dr. David Shokrian, who specializes in a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Since 2008, Dr. David Shokrian has refined his skills and expertise to become the most-requested plastic surgeon in NYC. He's popular, patient, caring, and professional while consistently delivering exceptional results safely and effectively. His patients describe him as knowledgeable, empathetic, and approachable. Dr. Shokrian's expertise spans from full-body lift surgery to 360 liposuctions, tummy tucks, fat removal, breast augmentation (reductions and enlargement), butt lifts, and facelifts to chin liposuction to meet any cosmetic need or desire. He is also well-known in the LGBTQ+ community and considered among the top gender-affirming surgeons boasting extensive experience and compassion, paying attention to your well-being and comfort. As one of the best NYC plastic surgeons, Dr. Shokrian focuses on natural-looking results and your satisfaction, delivering up-to-date on the latest trends in plastic surgery to New York's elite and individuals like you. When you visit the center of plastic surgery in Midtown Manhattan or the Bronx, expect the best, no matter the procedure you're considering. Contact Millennial Plastic Surgery today to set up a free consultation with one of the most reliable and friendly NYC plastic surgeons you'll ever meet. Dr. Shokrian looks forward to working with you to help you realize your cosmetic dreams. Working Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm - By appointment only. Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

A plastic surgery practice must fulfill its promises in order to be successful. Its doctors must connect with patients like you to understand what you’re seeking. They must provide realistic options that exceed your expectations. The cosmetic surgeons at Rowe Plastic Surgery specialize in creating a youthful, natural look for you that you’ll love. The board certified physicians employ a patient-centered approach, which means you’re the focus of everything they do. At this one-stop practice, you can get cosmetic surgery, as well as reconstructive surgical procedures, performed by the very best plastic surgeons in New York City and New Jersey. With six locations in the metropolitan area, you can be sure there’s an office near you. Call today for an initial consultation. Video appointments are available. Working Hours: Available 24 Hours for Emergency Care. For Appointments Call Between 8AM-8PM.Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
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At City Facial Plastics, our mission is to help patients feel confident in their appearance. Whether you’re seeking a subtle change to your lips or a full facelift or rhinoplasty, Dr. Gary Linkov and our team of top plastic surgeons in NYC are here to assist you in achieving the best version of yourself. We utilize the latest techniques and technology to ensure that every patient receives stunning, natural-looking results.Our clinic also specializes in hair restoration procedures, offering various treatments to help you achieve the thick, luscious hair you desire. While head hair transplants are the most common, we also offer treatments for other areas of the body. Dr. Gary Linkov, the best-in-class facial plastic surgeon in NYC, provides advanced options for hair transplants and hair growth therapy, helping patients reverse the signs of hair loss, thinning, or baldness.Dr. Linkov is recognized as one of the best hair transplant doctors in NYC and frequently appears as an expert in the media, sharing his knowledge on major news outlets. He takes pride in evaluating and treating hair loss issues in a compassionate and friendly environment on Madison Avenue, NYC.If you’re ready to enhance your appearance, choose our top-rated plastic surgeons who will listen carefully to your needs and personalize your procedures to meet your goals. City Facial Plastics is your source for excellence in facial plastic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic treatments.Contact our Manhattan office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gary Linkov.

Центр пластической хирургии RR Plastix New York Plastic Surgery Center предоставляет широкий спектр услуг в области пластической хирургии. Фейс-лифтинг, эндоскопический фейс-лифтинг, ринопластика, отопластика, редукционная маммопластика, маммопластика с эндопротезуванием, реконструктивная маммопластика, абдоминопластика, липосакция, эндопротезирование ягодиц и голеней. Обращайтесь за номером для получения более подробной информации!

Приглашаю всех желающих на: Объемное моделирование лица Мезотерапию Биоревитализацию 2 года уже живу в Америке, получила Green Card по визе ЕВ-1 как экстраординарный специалист в USA.7 лет в инъекционной косметологии, более 5000 благодарных учеников по России. Приём в Нью-Йорке до 20 декабря Москва с 20 декабря по 20 марта Также проводим обучение! Базовое обучение: Мезотерапия Биоревитализиция Контурная пластика Стратегический План обучения: Теория ️ Показ процедур ️ Постановка руки️ Продолжительность курса 20-25 дней (в зависимости от быстроты набора моделей, +-5 дней). Дополнительные курсы повышения квалификации (для уже практикующих специалистов!): Аугментация губ $2.500 (2 дня) Авторская методика без операционной ринопластики byAK $4500 (2-4 дня) JAW LINE CORRECTION/JOLIE FACE (2-4 дня) $3.500 Ботулинотерапия (Full face) 6-10 дней $2.500 Базовое обучение $6000 из них 1500-мезотерапия; 2500 вся контурная пластика (кроме носа) Биоревитализация $2000