Диспетчеры в Massachusetts



$3,000За месяц
full time

Looking for a Truck Dispatcher position.Completed a Truck Dispatcher course, with a solid theoretical foundation and necessary skills.Have experience in the logistics field, familiar with planning, coordination, and documentation processes.Highly motivated, quick learner, and focused on long-term cooperation.I am looking for an opportunity to start my career in dispatching to apply my knowledge and skills. I guarantee responsibility, attention to detail, and a professional approach to work.Open to any offers, including remote work.



Гульзира (Grace)

Truck dispatcher with strong communication & negotiation skills, speaks fluently in a several languages, will bring you high rate and good profit.Contact via Telegram.


Диспетчер Car Hauling

full time, remote

Here are facts about me: More than a 1 year of experience as a dispatcher for open tracks of 7–10 vehicles. Worked with 4–5 trucks simultaneously. I can speak English free at the Pre-Advanced level. Communication skills (3 years of experience of being a sales agent in international company) Skills of working with documents and excel, as well as superdispatch, autosled, central dispatch and other platforms. Bachelor degree at Law in Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko. Getting MBA in Ukrainian-American Concordia University I'm 22 y.o from Kyiv, Ukraine. Highly motivated, ambitious and responsible person. I also can work under pressure and provide fast and quality assistance for the drivers.For any questions, feel free to reach me over the text or call.


Ищу работу в сфере логистики


Молодая, трудолюбивая, энергичная девушка, приживающая в Манхэттене, ищет работу в сфере логистики. Есть высшее образование, также проходила курсы диспетчера в США в школе Dispatch 42. Имеется опыт в логистики и в других сферах.


Looking for a remote job!


I have 2 years of experience in logistics. Looking for remote dispatch job. Can do safety and helper duties as well. Worked with car haulers, dry vans, flat bads. Worked with DAT, Central Dispatch, Super Dispatch, Samsara, AM logs.


Trucks dispatcher


Предлагаем качественный диспетчинг для всех видов трейлеров. Диспетчера с опытом от 2-х лет. Англ, русс, укр языки. Связь 24/7. Не более 4-х водителей на одного диспетчера. Инд.подход ко всем водителям. Поиск грузов согласно с требованиями, возможностями и ритмом водителей. Используем СВОИ проф версии DAT, Truckstop, JB360, CH Rob board, личные связи с брокерами, e-mail рассылки и др. инструменты. Detentions, layovers, TONU, lumpers. Большой опыт разрешения конфликтных ситуаций с брокерами. Юр. договор на обслуживание. Оплата ежемесячная, 2% от гросса.