Медицина, аптеки в Tampa, FL


Зубной врач

Tampa, FL

Работал 20 лет зубным врачом, на общем приеме умею лечить, удалять и протезировать! Могу работать ассистентом стоматолога! Готов работать, документы на работу готовы!


Certified Surgical Assistant

Tampa, FL

Worked in a large multidisciplinary hospital in the gynecology department.On night shifts worked as a responsible doctor on duty in a maternity hospital. Carried out medical history collection, examination of the patient, determination of clinical diagnosis, surgical and medicinal treatment, observation in the postoperative period. Performed hysterectomy, myomectomy, ovarhysterectomy, hysteroresectoscopy, perineolevatoroplasty, brest biopsy, mastectomy, and more other operations.Worked in critical situations requiring flexibility and quick decision making.During the Covid-19 pandemic, worked in a Covid hospital and operated on patients with various surgical pathologies.I have no experience working in the USA, but I’m ready to show what I’m capable of! I can do a lot in the operating room and am ready to learn. Efficient, ready to work in a team, easy to learn and always work with passion, quickly and responsibly. Ready to work for a probationary period.

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Ищу работу в медицине, Есть DL

Tampa, FL

Также рассматриваю работу и в любой другой отрасли. Большой жизненный опыт и 1,5 года car hauler, спокойный. Нет SSN. Могу работать без выходных. Локация любая.